
Archive for May 11th, 2008

Since Tuesday, the media focus has shifted from the Democratic Primary to the general election and the folks have settled on the McCain vs Obama race.  Rumor has it that Bill & Hillary are scoping out condos in Toronto in anticipation of a Hillary run for Canadian Prime Minister.  As you’d expect, Clinton sycophant Paul Begala is currently taking a tutorial on Canadian election law to find Clinton size loopholes in the residency requirements.  As we’ve learned, rules and laws don’t always apply to the Clintons and I doubt this fact will change in The Great White North either.

The old saying goes “It ain’t over ’til the Fat Lady sings.”  Well, this Democratic Primary won’t officially be over ’til the Hirsute Woman gets paid apparently.  Reporting in recent days suggests that the Hillary folks are working behind the scenes to get Hillary’s campaign debts paid-off by the DNC and/or Obama.  Note that the debt consists of a couple personal loans Hillary made to herself, I can’t imagine what kind of interest she charged herself.  Back to reality.

My first take on the McCain vs Obama match-up is hopeful and exciting.  The campaigns are supposedly working on combined forums for the two candidates.  These forums would not be debates, but rather would done in the town-hall meeting style with both candidates having a conversation with voters.  When I read this, my heart swelled with pride and a noticeable tear formed on the rim of my lower left eyelid of this PolitiPornster.  This would be CHANGE my fellow PolitiPornsters.  As you know, this country and voters from both parties have a raging hard-on for change this election cycle.  However, PolitiPorn would like to put forth another idea.  This idea would signal a huge change for voters and the direction of this country.  It could potentially usher in a new era in politics.


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