
Archive for November 3rd, 2008

The Following was submitted to PolitiPorn by one of our writers, Duke.  This fella lives in the battleground of Virginia.  I could not agree more with the sentiment expressed here.  I don’t care if you’re a Republican, a Democrat, a Socialist, a Green Party person, an Independent, or a Libertarian (or even a Paultard for that matter) get out tomorrow and VOTE!  Don’t let anyone stand in your way; you have no excuses.

It’s not just a privilege, it’s a duty.

Duke writes the following:

Everyone always likes to say “May the best man win,” but if you look closely you will see that this isn’t a statement, it’s not a concession; it’s a plea. If you have a mind to vote for McCain then for goodness sakes get out there early and exercise the privilege that few individuals in the history of the world have achieved and put you vote behind the person that you will trust to lead us into the new chapter of the greatest empire on earth.

I’m only asking for three minutes of your time, and I wouldn’t ask it if I hadn’t been at this event on a rainy day at the Mary Washington University campus with my ten year old daughter. Please watch this clip with an open heart. You won’t hear any slander of a former POW, or any elitist mockery of hardworking Americans. Please watch this and if you feel that the real John McCain has been lost in plenty of Democratic propaganda I invite you to share in your comments resources and links that democrats need to give a hard look at in these last moments before heading off to the polls to vote Obama.


Check out the video:

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