
Archive for March, 2009

by Lodro, International Editor for PolitiPorn

Congratulations South Africa, you have finally created a news story that doesn’t mention the fact that you lead the world in rapes per capita (second place in murders) or had a health minister that recommended a diet of garlic and beetroot to cure AIDS, by denying the Dalai Lama a visa to attend an international peace conference (well what was going to be an international peace conference, they decided not to have it without the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu who announced that he would boycott.)

I guess the AIDS thing isn’t that important because damn near 80% of the adult population and a whopping 69% of pregnant women don’t have AIDS.

I can’t imagine what would prompt South Africa to deny the Dalai Lama a visa. The official reason was that it would shift the focus away from the 2010 World Cup being held there and “that it wasn’t in South Africa’s best interest.” It couldn’t have anything to do with China being their biggest trade partner… wait maybe it’s because the Dalai Lama hasn’t ever raped anyone.


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By Lodro Special Correspondent to PolitiPorn.

Bush is gone and now I can finally say that I am once again an Independent. Obama has made history in becoming the first US president to follow the dumbest man in the world, and I hear he’s black. I hope he does a great job for our country. I hope he gives back many of my rights as an American, restores our international credibility and leads us through a terrible economic time while laying the foundations for a more prosperous America. His campaign brought people together around the world and made them optimistic about America, he brought the next generation into the political arena and got 9.5 million more votes than McCain, the highest raw popular vote margin ever.

As strange as it may seem, Joe “Crazy Tits” Biden couldn’t be a better man for the job as Vice President. I didn’t want to bring this up at the time, but the red-staters could have done a little more with his middle name, Robinette, instead of going after the obvious.

Obama can represent the government to the American people and the World with a sincere eloquence that few in history have been able to replicate, recognized some decent talent for important advisory positions, and make decisions based on reality, cooperation and good council. At the same time, Joe Biden is as smart as we’ve got in geopolitics, he sat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee for a long time and left as the Chairman, he has played the game in the Senate longer than anyone and is known to be ‘bi-partisany.’ He’s also a scrapper, last month he walked out on Karzai during a meeting when the latter tried to feed him the same bullshit that has worked for the past couple of years.

Christ only knows what McCain and Palin would have done with the office, besides suspending the role of the executive branch due to the economic crisis.


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Well the PolitiPornster is back.  I took some time off after a hectic election year and quite frankly, I haven’t been in much of mood to write.  Wow, has everything gone in the shitter!  Everyday some store we’ve grown accustomed to closes.  I’m starting to receive a steady stream of emails at work from former colleagues asking if my office is hiring.  Truth be told, I’m desperate trying to keep myself busy at work what with the assignments slowing down to a freakin’ trickle.

Of all the crap going on in the economy, we’ve got one malcontent, who has taken it upon himself to wish, hope and pray that the President Obama fails in his attempts to right this ship.  You know of whom I write.  That’s right Flush Windbag.


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