
Posts Tagged ‘Baptists’

Somebody’s looking mighty metro-sexual in this picture.

I’ve often found myself at odds with Dr. Dobson of the Focus on the Family organization.  You name the issue and the chances are 10:1 that Dobson and I are on opposite ends of the spectrum.  My primary problem with Dobson is that he is in essence espousing a Christian Theocratic America.  But that’s an article for another day.

Another problem I have with Dobson, and many like him, is his willingness and self-proclaimed mission to inject religion into politics.  The injection of religion into politics appears to be working really well in the Middle East, don’t you think?  Well this mixing of politics with religion leads to some nastiness as one would expect.  It also leads to otherwise intelligent and logical folks making themselves look like a horse’s ass. 

Now the guy in the video you’re about watch is trying his did-daddally darndest to be funny.  As Ned Flanders once quipped, “I’ve done everything the Bible says – even the stuff that contradicts the other stuff.”

For your viewing pleasure, here is Focus on the Family’s most recent foray into the asinine:

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Work-it Girl! Sieg Heil, Cover Girl!

So what’s trendy these days?  If we’re talking clothing, then I’m out of the loop because I’ve come to that point in my life where if I go shopping for clothes, I buy whatever is on the mannequin, no questions asked.  Oh, I do know that shorts are getting so damn long they may as well be pants.  Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want to return to the “Booty Shorts” days, but half way down the calf is a bit much.

Beyond the long shorts craze, it’s become equally fashionable to openly and publicly hate groups of people again, yippee!  To Hell with political correctness!  The main targets are now gays & Muslims.  Bashing followers of Islam and Judy Garland is in fashion and the haters are hitting the bigotry runway en masse.


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