
Posts Tagged ‘Bill Clinton’

By Lindsey, PolitiPorn Religion Editor and Author of the new novel Honest Conversation available HERE

Recent reports show that President-Elect Obama hasn’t attended a
church service since the election.  This news, showing that he goes to
the gym and then stays home on Sundays, has small pockets of people

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By Lindsey, PolitiPorn Religion Editor & Correspondent

Morals.  Politics.  What can we- or should we- expect from our leaders?  Throughout time immemorial we have seen people rise up to lead the masses- and for just as long, those people have been flawed.  Here in the United States the masses have decreed that the reason government has always been flawed is because we have chosen the wrong kinds of leaders.  The logic goes that we must choose leaders whose homes and personal lives and individual morality is in proper order.  Then, the people say, we will have good governments.

“Hm,” I reply, “it certainly sounds nice- but…  really?”


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Politiporn Reviews………….. 

What (the FUCK!) Happened

Scott McClellan, Former White House Spokesman and Michelin Tire Baby

By Bâtard, PolitiPorn Literary Critic Extraordinaire

 Well I just got done reading the worst goddamn smear piece that has ever been written. Yes I’m referring to decades old What Happened by Scott McClellan. This eager patsy for republican fury is a misunderstood (and poorly written) account of fleshy faced Scott ‘bellen McClellan’s days at the White House. One thing that gets lost in the hysteria is that this book does not really throw a beating on our child-like emperor for his handling of the Iraq war. McClellan’s main beef seems to be the leaking of the CIA agent by Rove and crew.  

The problem with this as a hit job is that 80% of the book is spank material (e.g., PolitiPorn) for anyone still buying the confused hayseed routine from Bush, and don’t kid yourselves, McClellan wasn’t giving lip service to the boss. First off he slams Cheney, who would have been in charge of reading this book to the president, and besides, no matter how delicately Bush was treated in the book, he hates revelations (‘member what happens in Revelations).


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