
Posts Tagged ‘Catholics’

Work-it Girl! Sieg Heil, Cover Girl!

So what’s trendy these days?  If we’re talking clothing, then I’m out of the loop because I’ve come to that point in my life where if I go shopping for clothes, I buy whatever is on the mannequin, no questions asked.  Oh, I do know that shorts are getting so damn long they may as well be pants.  Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want to return to the “Booty Shorts” days, but half way down the calf is a bit much.

Beyond the long shorts craze, it’s become equally fashionable to openly and publicly hate groups of people again, yippee!  To Hell with political correctness!  The main targets are now gays & Muslims.  Bashing followers of Islam and Judy Garland is in fashion and the haters are hitting the bigotry runway en masse.


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 by Shush – PolitiPorn Religion Correspondent


Today’s White House dinner in honor of Pope Benedict‘s first visit to the United States will have a conspicuously absent guest- the Pope himself.  Today’s itinerary shows the Pope going to the White House for a Rose Garden photo op, and then he leaves.   It’s like when your new boyfriend consents to meet your parents, but says bitterly that you can make him shake their hands but not share their table.  I wonder if the Pope is intentionally snubbing the president and causing American Catholics to question God’s opinion of our cowboy in chief, or if his papal duties are already starting to wear on his mind and sense of decorum.
The bitter new independent voter in me is hoping that it’s a snub.
Speaking of religious snubs, while researching the current candidates for President and their various religious endorsers, I noticed an interesting discrepancy.  Hillary Clinton appears to have no religious endorsement.  Obama and McCain both have varied voices speaking for them, McCain’s mostly being fairly conservative religious traditionalists like Hagee and Obama’s mostly coming from progressive leaders.  This makes me wonder what we’ll be seeing in the next election- fundamentalism versus the new way, or fundamentalism versus a resounding echo.  Most people currently backing Obama would probably rather endorse Clinton than watch fundamentalism stomping around in its dirty old boots, but people planning on voting in the Democratic primaries need to keep in mind that the Presidency isn’t about celebrity and isn’t even solely about policy- it’s about the friends one keeps and the people one can sway.
Obama has swayed religious leaders his way.  With Hillary there’s this dial tone.  If they aren’t calling her- will they answer when she’s calling them?



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On Easter Sunday, Barack Obama received perhaps the most stunning endorsement of his candidacy for the presidency.  No I’m not talking about Gov. Bill Richardson.  The Richardson endorsement was shocking only to Hillary and her staff.  The John Edwards shoe will drop soon, this I predict with no trepidation whatsoever.  The shocking endorsement comes from Douglas Kmiec.  Oh, you’re not acquainted with Dean/Professor Kmiec, well let me tell you about him.  (more…)

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