
Posts Tagged ‘Dick Cheney’

Republican vice presidential candidate, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, left, shakes hands with Democratic vice presidential candidate, Sen Joe Biden, D-Del., after their vice presidential debate Thursday, Oct. 2, 2008 in St. Louis, Mo. (AP Photo/Don Emmert, Pool)
Can I call you “Joe”

In two debates, last night’s and last Friday’s, I think I’ve heard the word “maverick” at least a million times.  You know the old line, repeat a lie long enough and it will become the truth.  Well, this PolitiPornster is not buying it.  Everytime that word crosses the lips of McCain or Palin, it sounds forced and empty.  Oddly enough, that would also properly describe Palin’s performance last night, forced and empty.

If George W. Bush was “all hat and no cattle”, well Ms. Palin is “all snow and no igloo!”

As for the debate, I did the same thing as last week.  I watched the debate and afterwards discussed it with Mrs. PolitiPornster.  During this post debate recap we didn’t listen to any of the media led or spin room led discussions regarding who won.  Our conclusion, it was a wash, a tie, basically the sister got kissed.  If there was a slight edge, I’d have to hand that to Biden.

Why?  Well, whether you liked his answers or not, or even if you hated his style, he still answered the questions!  I counted three separate occasions where Palin ignored the question completely and instead rattled off Rovian Republican talking points that had nothing to do with the subject matter of the question introduced.

If you’re wondering which three instances I’m talking about here goes, 1) when asked about what would be her Achilles heel: NO ANSWER; 2) when asked about what would trigger US use of nuclear weapons: NO COMPREHENDABLE ANSWER; and 3) when asked about bankruptcy and taxes: NO ANSWER – instead said she wanted to talk about Energy. 

You’d probably be curious as to why she didn’t answer those questions; my best guess is that those questions were not in her script.  The one time she got off script as she was trying to answer the question about nuclear weapons, I started having flashbacks of her now infamous Katie Couric interview. 

Now the positives for Palin, she was charming and she came across as folksy.  She tried her best to get under Biden’s skin and her jabs will likely get replayed ad nausiem on conservative radio.  She certainly connected with the rightwing base last night.  Most importantly, she went a long way to help repair the damage done by the Gibson and Couric interviews that led people to wonder just how many retards are in the Palin family.

The McCain camp knows it dodged a bullet the size of Rush Limbaugh’s fat ass last night.  Here’s some advice, keep that woman on FOX News and/or conservative talk radio.  If she speaks to anyone who is either in the tank for Obama or surprisingly unbiased, she will be eaten alive.  You would think that after Katie Couric paddled that ass, McCain would learn. 

For the party’s sake, the McCain camp should seriously consider keeping this lady in Dick Cheney’s bunker until after the election.  Just a thought.

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I don’t know about you but I’m getting a sneaking suspicion that we are getting a good glimpse of what the McCain/Palin Administration is going to be like for the next 4 years.

As you guys know, PolitiPorn has already called this race and predicts that it’ll be McCain/Palin raising their respective hands and taking the oath in January.  Since we here at PolitiPorn, or at least me, have resigned ourselves to this, I think it is time to look at what lies in store for our country.  I sad to report that despite the brand of “maverick” we’ll be treated to 4 more years of the same crap.


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As if Dick Cheney could do anything else to make himself look bad, well he’s done it again.  Sometimes I think that Dick Cheney is sort of like a convict in prison serving a term of life without parole.  What does he got to lose?  If he kills somebody while in prison, what is the warden going to do; bump his sentence up to “Never-Ever?”

Cheney’s latest crime against decency comes at the expense of Disable American Veterans.  Yep, the man who refused his country’s call to service on 5 separate occasions has dissed the men who answered that call and paid dearly for it.  I imagine Cheney must look at these men and say to himself “there but for the grace of Daddy and draft deferments, go I.”  (more…)

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