
Posts Tagged ‘fox’

Let’s face it folks, there is some scary crap going on right now.  All of this crap is compounded by the fact that our country is doesn’t have a driver at the wheel.

India just suffered one of the worst terrorist attacks since 9/11.  Our economy is on a fast track to the dumpster and to top it all off, the high seas are now being plagued by PIRATES!  WTF!  Meanwhile, we’ve got a “President” is busily packing up his cowboy boots for their return trip to Texas.  Has the word “malfeasance” come to mind yet?

George W. Bush takes the cake.  It’s all but a forgone conclusion that he’ll go down as the absolute worst President.  With that in mind, this simple minded idiot can’t even pull it together for roughly 3 months.  Instead, he’s just sitting on his hands counting the days ’til January 20, 2009. 

In the military, we had a name for guys like George.  We called them “short-timers.”  These were the guys that were coming up on the end of their enlistments.  As you’d imagine, the closer their separation date came the more their minds would drift off to getting the fuck out of Dodge.  These guys were dangerous, both in a literal and figurative sense. 

Literally speaking these short-timers were dangerous in that their attention to their jobs suffered to a degree.  This small bit of inattentiveness could lead to accidents.  If you were like me and worked with munitions, you didn’t want an inattentive co-worker.  As our instructors in munitions training would tell us, “The last word you’ll ever hear will be ‘Oops!'”  For this reason, the military would re-assign short-timers in my section.  They’d be turned into desk jockeys for that last 2-3 months of their enlistment.  To me this made perfect sense.

If only there was a place we could put George Bush where he couldn’t do any damage.  Unfortunately, our Constitution doesn’t allow for such a place or process.  Instead, we are stuck with this inattentive idiot until our new President takes office in January.  God help us.

The short-timer was also bad for morale.  Of course, we were all happy to see a dude get to the end of his enlistment.  We were equally happy to listen to the short-timer spout off about how he was going to grow his hair down to his ass, smoke a Cheech & Chong size joint, and of course, go to college.  Nonetheless, we’d all harbor a bit of resentment and our own discharge would seem even further away given the immediacy of the short-timer’s departure. 

We’ve seen that all Georgie Boy can talk about lately is how he can’t wait to step out of the limelight.  If the limelight was so freaking tough, why the hell did he run in 2004?  He could’ve taken a page from LBJ.  No, W knows just how he’ll be judged by history and his ultimate hope is that somehow, we’ll be able to forget his sorry ass.  No doubt, he’s already forgotten us.

I can just imagine, W boarding Air Force One for that final ride home.  He & Laura will turn to the cameras prior to entering the plane.  Under his breath, he’ll exclaim through his smile, “happy trails Bitches!”

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The Following was submitted to PolitiPorn by one of our writers, Duke.  This fella lives in the battleground of Virginia.  I could not agree more with the sentiment expressed here.  I don’t care if you’re a Republican, a Democrat, a Socialist, a Green Party person, an Independent, or a Libertarian (or even a Paultard for that matter) get out tomorrow and VOTE!  Don’t let anyone stand in your way; you have no excuses.

It’s not just a privilege, it’s a duty.

Duke writes the following:

Everyone always likes to say “May the best man win,” but if you look closely you will see that this isn’t a statement, it’s not a concession; it’s a plea. If you have a mind to vote for McCain then for goodness sakes get out there early and exercise the privilege that few individuals in the history of the world have achieved and put you vote behind the person that you will trust to lead us into the new chapter of the greatest empire on earth.

I’m only asking for three minutes of your time, and I wouldn’t ask it if I hadn’t been at this event on a rainy day at the Mary Washington University campus with my ten year old daughter. Please watch this clip with an open heart. You won’t hear any slander of a former POW, or any elitist mockery of hardworking Americans. Please watch this and if you feel that the real John McCain has been lost in plenty of Democratic propaganda I invite you to share in your comments resources and links that democrats need to give a hard look at in these last moments before heading off to the polls to vote Obama.


Check out the video:

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Work-it Girl! Sieg Heil, Cover Girl!

So what’s trendy these days?  If we’re talking clothing, then I’m out of the loop because I’ve come to that point in my life where if I go shopping for clothes, I buy whatever is on the mannequin, no questions asked.  Oh, I do know that shorts are getting so damn long they may as well be pants.  Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want to return to the “Booty Shorts” days, but half way down the calf is a bit much.

Beyond the long shorts craze, it’s become equally fashionable to openly and publicly hate groups of people again, yippee!  To Hell with political correctness!  The main targets are now gays & Muslims.  Bashing followers of Islam and Judy Garland is in fashion and the haters are hitting the bigotry runway en masse.


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