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First things first, as always I watched the debate with Mrs. PolitiPornster and afterwards we discussed without the undue influence of the pundits.  We both concluded at that time that Obama had one the debate.  Apparently, we were not alone as CNN, CBS and others reported that polling favored our conclusion.

I for one am glad that these debates are over, plain and simple.  The debates will likely have little to no effect on the eventual outcome of the election. 

McCain’s debating style is annoying.  The first debate, Maverick, Maverick, Maverick.  The second debate was My Friend, My Friend, My Friend.  Last night it was of course, Joe the Plumber, Joe the Plumber, Joe the Plumber.  Mr. McCain, please stop repeating yourself, please stop repeating yourself, please stop repeating yourself.

If you had to condense McCain’s argument from last night, this is what you would get and it ain’t pretty my friends:  There’s this autistic plumber named Joe who will raise your taxes.  That is it in a nutshell.

Now, we here at PolitiPorn have predicted that McCain will win and likely in resounding fashion.  Despite the polls, PolitiPorn believes that McCain will win every state that Bush took in 2004 and likely pick up a few traditional Blues as well. 

Our analysis begs the question, why the hell is John McCain so freaking spastic?  He’s gonna win, at least he could act like it.  Instead, McCain is acting like he’s headed for sure defeat.  He’s throwing every accusation he make against Obama in hopes that people outside of the Limbaugh crowd will grab ahold of one.  That’s not how winners debate.

Look, most would agree that the Swift Boats Hooligans back in 2004 were the single most important factor in preventing Kerry from winning.  They were Rove’s secret weapon and they worked in a stunningly effective manner.  Now, consider this…George W. Bush did not bring up the SwiftBoaters once in any of the debates he had with Kerry.  Not once.  Why?  Because he knew he was going to win.

If, and this is huge all caps IF, McCain were to lose this election, you can lay the blame squarely on old Johnnie Boy.  He’s acting like a loser and if he does this enough, people will start to believe he is a loser.  Once they believe, they’ll either not show up to the polls or they won’t vote for him.  Americans love the happy warrior but we don’t tolerate losers.

Oh, John McCain didn’t say “My friends” once last night.  Hey John, were not friends anymore, what up with that?

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I woke up this morning and could not get that stupid ass song “The Final Countdown” by the hair band Europe, out of my head.  Unfortunately, that song or at least its chorus sums up tonight.  It’s the last debate, hurray!  I wonder if I’ll miss having John McCain tell me that he’s my friend? 

From what I’ve heard and read in the past week, it would appear that McCain has got to pull out all the stops tonight.  Come on folks, that’s just the polls talking.  I don’t know why McCain is so worried.  This is his election to lose quite frankly.  He really shouldn’t worry so much about the damn debates.  Did George W. Bush ever worry about a debate?  Oh hell to the NO!

I know it’s cute being the underdog and going all Rocky style, but come on John, you’re the white dude in this year’s election.  That has got to count for something.  You know these poll numbers are all bunk.  Do you really think for one second that Barack Obama is going to win North Carolina for Christ’s sake?  I’ll believe that when I see it and I don’t care if your name is Zogby, Rasmussen or even Nostradamus for that matter. 

Nope, despite the fact that it’ll make me throw-up, I fully expect to wake up on November 5 to the news that John McCain has been elected our next President. 

I know that this is not a very Mavericky thing to say, but God help us My Friends.

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