
Posts Tagged ‘Homosexuality’

by Lodro, International Editor for PolitiPorn

Congratulations South Africa, you have finally created a news story that doesn’t mention the fact that you lead the world in rapes per capita (second place in murders) or had a health minister that recommended a diet of garlic and beetroot to cure AIDS, by denying the Dalai Lama a visa to attend an international peace conference (well what was going to be an international peace conference, they decided not to have it without the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu who announced that he would boycott.)

I guess the AIDS thing isn’t that important because damn near 80% of the adult population and a whopping 69% of pregnant women don’t have AIDS.

I can’t imagine what would prompt South Africa to deny the Dalai Lama a visa. The official reason was that it would shift the focus away from the 2010 World Cup being held there and “that it wasn’t in South Africa’s best interest.” It couldn’t have anything to do with China being their biggest trade partner… wait maybe it’s because the Dalai Lama hasn’t ever raped anyone.


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Work-it Girl! Sieg Heil, Cover Girl!

So what’s trendy these days?  If we’re talking clothing, then I’m out of the loop because I’ve come to that point in my life where if I go shopping for clothes, I buy whatever is on the mannequin, no questions asked.  Oh, I do know that shorts are getting so damn long they may as well be pants.  Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want to return to the “Booty Shorts” days, but half way down the calf is a bit much.

Beyond the long shorts craze, it’s become equally fashionable to openly and publicly hate groups of people again, yippee!  To Hell with political correctness!  The main targets are now gays & Muslims.  Bashing followers of Islam and Judy Garland is in fashion and the haters are hitting the bigotry runway en masse.


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Religion correspondent Shush is back from her doctor-prescribed seclusion (post Hillary meltdown).  😀

Green is the new black, and God is the new green.  The Vatican released seven new mortal sins over the weekend, including causing environmental blight and genetic manipulation.  This is a bold move on the Vatican’s part, because it puts major manufacturers the world over in God’s naughty column.  Monsanto foods fly their bioengineering flags high, boldly putting out engineered corn which cannot be heirloomed and superpowered milk which may or may not give you health problems.  They are only one of the many companies guilty of causing blight or playing little god with bioengineering.

My question is thus:  if the American government wants to ban homosexual union to preserve morality, make abortion illegal to protect life, and cloak loosening environmental standards under the banner of furthering the American lifestyle- what are they to do with these new mortal sins?  Are we now going to see God’s greenness promoted with as much vim and vigor as his supposed hatred for homosexuality?  Or will God’s verdancy be dictated to our President while he puts his fingers in his ears and does that little “babble babble babble” thing that my charming three year old does when she doesn’t want to hear the consequences of her actions?

I get the feeling that hypothetical questions like mine are largely pointless.  The self-righteous are comfortable blaming their failed marriages on the gays but aren’t quite as skilled at thinking about the ethical implications of the mutant corn in their freezers and the Hummers in their three-car air-conditioned garages.  I guess that’s why we need the Pope.

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