
Posts Tagged ‘Iraq’


Please don’t get me wrong here, I love democracy.  I love the idea of the people governing themselves through voting.  However, I do realize that sometimes, democracy takes a back seat to mob rule.


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by Duke, PolitiPorn Int’l Bureau Chief
**PolitiPorn welcomes Duke back after a long hiatus.

International Update

Hey kids, did I miss anything?


After the earthquake a couple weeks ago China finds itself more than 60,000 people short and climbing, I’d like to take a moment to send a shout out to my main man eighty year old, partially paralyzed, Xiao Zhihu who was pulled from under a collapsed pillar after 11 days of waiting for rescuers. Disgusting to note was the fact that schools seemed to be a schosh less stable than the rest of the lean-to structures that comprise the Chinese skyline. An estimated 7,000 schools were destroyed in the earthquake; many happened to be surrounded by older buildings that suffered only slight damage.

The government of China has sought to assure citizens that they were back to work as they condemned a 30 minute meeting betwixt (that’s how they say is in England!) his Holiness the Dalai Lama and Big Bad Gordon Brown at the private residence of the Arch Bishop of Canterbury.

Foreign Ministry Spokesman Qin Gang (Formerly of the Dogg Pound) choked back tears as he lamented…

            “This is interference in China’s internal affairs and also seriously hurts the feelings of the Chinese people”

One would think that after a government policy of arbitrary cattle prod rape of monks and nuns the average Chinese who have a little bit tougher skin.


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Yesterday, the Senate approved a measure that would create what’s being called the “New GI Bill.”  The final tally on the vote was 75-Yeas to 22-Nays.  Three Senators didn’t vote and one failed to vote but voiced an opposition to the bill that is in line with that wacky Bush administration.  Yep, Captain John S. McCain (Navy-Ret.) the illustrious hero of Vietnam, Arizona Senator and GOP Presidential Nominee didn’t bother to show up and cast his vote.  Apparently, he was busily attending to preparations for this weekend’s Veepstakes Pajama Party at the McCain Ranch.

As a veteran and Democrat, I’ve often complained that Republican/Conservative admiration for the military men and women was merely lip service.  Yet, McCain and Bush have proven my point with their opposition to the New GI Bill.  “Support the Troops” is merely a bumper sticker phrase for Bush and McCain and it is said with the same obligatory sentiment that makes them stab their suit lapel with a midget version of Old Glory. 


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