
Posts Tagged ‘Maureen McPhilmy’


Man, I love the interwebs!  Back some time ago, we here at PolitiPorn reported that the Falafel King Bill Orally’s wife, Maureen McPhilmy, had once dated the human cockroach Flavor Flav.  Here.  Of course, we emailed the O’Reilly folks to confirm but our email was likely overlooked.  OK, it was overlooked, why would Bill O the Clown or his folks respond to an email from little ole PolitiPornster?  I know I wouldn’t.  Our story got a few laughs, produced some traffic but didn’t really amount to much but a good chuckle. 

Recently, the rap world has decided to stand up to Bill.  In fact, the famous rapper NAS led a protest of the FOX headquarters recently to highlight what he and other protesters claim is a racial bias by the news network.  Bill as the rhetorical pugilist for Murdoch fought back and bad mouthed the hip-hop community. 

Now, the story of Mrs. Falafel and Flavor is everywhere.  Here


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By Stewie & PolitiPornster


The drum rolls, the envelope is passed.  Ladies & Gentlemen, the official AssHat for the week ending June 20, 2008 is none other than conservative talk show radio blowhard (and I mean blow hard) Mr. Lars Larson!


To the uninitiated, the picture appearing above is AssHat Larson.  You’ll note he’s striking a pose that’s eerily similar to this photo:




What the Hell is up with the smugness being accentuated with a cigar?  Could the cigar be some phallic symbol of solidarity?  Perhaps a secret symbol of membership in a secret order maybe one that’s initials are N.A.M.B.L.A.? Of course, Rush’s troubles with priming the pump are known and documented, but could Lars the AssHat being using the cigar to compensate for something?  Didn’t Bubba use a cigar or its tube not just to compensate but as a stand-in for something?  Ah, so be it.  Let’s get to the nasty business of why Lars Larson is an AssHat.  Note:  Lars Larson is not the drummer and impresario of the heavy metal band Metallica, although, that guys a royal AssHat as well.  Lesson here, don’t name your kid Lars!


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Let me start by saying that I love the Internets.  What was life like before I was connected to the interwebs?  I surely don’t remember.  There used to be something called an encyclopedia and folks would have to risk embarrassment to procure their porn.  Not anymore.  I’ve got Wikipedia and well I’ll let you in on a little secret, psst, there’s a ton of porn on the Internets.  It’s got everything you’re in to and a couple of things you’re not.  Anyway I digress.

Last night, I was surfing the web (that’s code for browsing) for a new pie filling recipe.  No really, I wasn’t looking at porn.  As I was searching for “pie filling.” I started wondering about my obsession, Bill O’Reilly.  I had read on Drudge that he was hot under the collar about the Washington Post.  No doubt, they had had the nerve to bring up his sexual harassment story.  This led me to look at Bill’s Wiki page to see if perhaps the anniversary of the Falafel Incident was coming up.  Nope, that date is October 11.  Mark your calendars because we’ll all be eating falafel that day and talking dirty on the phone. (more…)

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