
Posts Tagged ‘O’Reilly’

We often hear the phrase “may the best man win.”  The incredible thing that shouldn’t be overlooked in the Election of 2008 is that this country didn’t have a bad choice at the top of the ticket.  No matter which man won, Obama or McCain, we were getting one of the better people this country offers in abundance.  How incredible is that? 

This election wasn’t 1988 where we were faced with Bush, Sr. and Dukakis, folks went the polls and chose a president on the principle of which dude was the lesser of the two evils.

This election wasn’t 2004 where our selection was Bush and NOT Bush.  It wasn’t Ford vs. Carter.

Nope not this time, I sincerely believe that no matter which of these great and honorable men would have been elected, our country would be the better for it. 

In the coming days, we’ll all sit back and consider how did McCain lose this election.  I still maintain that it was indeed his to lose.  Without getting too snarky, I’ll say that McCain (the real McCain) didn’t lose this election.  His only fatal mistake was being sold a rotten bill of goods from the Bushies that managed his campaign.

The folks that had built up the goodwill inherent in the McCain brand were no where to be found.  They had been tossed aside for Bushies and Rovites. The Old McCain’s brand was bipartisanship and country first.  That all got lost in the divisive message that the Bushies crafted for him.  The Maverick John McCain of the 2000 GOP Primaries would have won this election. 

Republicans had their chance to elect McCain president but they decided instead to go with the kid back 2000.  Imagine what this past 8 years would have been like under a McCain adminstration.  Really, stop for moment and contemplate that.

After 9/11, Would President McCain had asked Americans to “go shopping” like Bush did or would he have called the nation to service?  Would President McCain been talked into a war with Iraq and have his attention diverted from Afghanistan?  Would President McCain bring ill repute upon this country by setting up the gulag at Guantanomo or allowed the honor of America to even be questioned because of the use of torture?

Republicans know the answers to the questions posed above, just as any honest Democrat does.

John McCain could have gone down in history as one of the greatest presidents had he been elected in 2000.  The Bushies put a knife in his back when they destroyed his chances for that election and then they twisted that knife in 2008 by ruining his image.

Yesterday Americans rose up not just to vote for Obama, although voting for him alone was enough incentive, but Americans also repudiated the divisive politics Bush, Rove, Cheney, Limbaugh, Hannity, O’Reilly and yes, Palin.

God speed Senator McCain, I really hope to see your resurrected image soon because the country will need it.

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Man, I love the interwebs!  Back some time ago, we here at PolitiPorn reported that the Falafel King Bill Orally’s wife, Maureen McPhilmy, had once dated the human cockroach Flavor Flav.  Here.  Of course, we emailed the O’Reilly folks to confirm but our email was likely overlooked.  OK, it was overlooked, why would Bill O the Clown or his folks respond to an email from little ole PolitiPornster?  I know I wouldn’t.  Our story got a few laughs, produced some traffic but didn’t really amount to much but a good chuckle. 

Recently, the rap world has decided to stand up to Bill.  In fact, the famous rapper NAS led a protest of the FOX headquarters recently to highlight what he and other protesters claim is a racial bias by the news network.  Bill as the rhetorical pugilist for Murdoch fought back and bad mouthed the hip-hop community. 

Now, the story of Mrs. Falafel and Flavor is everywhere.  Here


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This week was tough for the PolitiPorn AssHat Committee.  Asshats, Asshats, everywhere but not a drop to drink!  However, in the interest of bi-partisanship we decided to provide some steamy hot Conservative on Conservative & Liberal on Liberal action.

I don’t know that these two guys would necessarily share an AssHat, so we are ponying up the extra expense and handing out two, count ’em 2, AssHats.  The winners, or wieners if you will, are the Right Reverend Jesse L. Jackson and former US Senator Phil Gramm.  Oddly enough, the two men have more in common than just being plain old AssHats, that later.  But let’s get to their respective deeds that warranted the bestowing of AssHats for the week of July 11, 2008.


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