
Posts Tagged ‘Presidential Debate’


First things first, as always I watched the debate with Mrs. PolitiPornster and afterwards we discussed without the undue influence of the pundits.  We both concluded at that time that Obama had one the debate.  Apparently, we were not alone as CNN, CBS and others reported that polling favored our conclusion.

I for one am glad that these debates are over, plain and simple.  The debates will likely have little to no effect on the eventual outcome of the election. 

McCain’s debating style is annoying.  The first debate, Maverick, Maverick, Maverick.  The second debate was My Friend, My Friend, My Friend.  Last night it was of course, Joe the Plumber, Joe the Plumber, Joe the Plumber.  Mr. McCain, please stop repeating yourself, please stop repeating yourself, please stop repeating yourself.

If you had to condense McCain’s argument from last night, this is what you would get and it ain’t pretty my friends:  There’s this autistic plumber named Joe who will raise your taxes.  That is it in a nutshell.

Now, we here at PolitiPorn have predicted that McCain will win and likely in resounding fashion.  Despite the polls, PolitiPorn believes that McCain will win every state that Bush took in 2004 and likely pick up a few traditional Blues as well. 

Our analysis begs the question, why the hell is John McCain so freaking spastic?  He’s gonna win, at least he could act like it.  Instead, McCain is acting like he’s headed for sure defeat.  He’s throwing every accusation he make against Obama in hopes that people outside of the Limbaugh crowd will grab ahold of one.  That’s not how winners debate.

Look, most would agree that the Swift Boats Hooligans back in 2004 were the single most important factor in preventing Kerry from winning.  They were Rove’s secret weapon and they worked in a stunningly effective manner.  Now, consider this…George W. Bush did not bring up the SwiftBoaters once in any of the debates he had with Kerry.  Not once.  Why?  Because he knew he was going to win.

If, and this is huge all caps IF, McCain were to lose this election, you can lay the blame squarely on old Johnnie Boy.  He’s acting like a loser and if he does this enough, people will start to believe he is a loser.  Once they believe, they’ll either not show up to the polls or they won’t vote for him.  Americans love the happy warrior but we don’t tolerate losers.

Oh, John McCain didn’t say “My friends” once last night.  Hey John, were not friends anymore, what up with that?

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Let’s get to the nitty gritty first, who won?  This is hard, but after watching it and without influence from the polls or pundits, I’d say that McCain lost this debate.  At the same, Obama didn’t win it either.

Now, PolitiPorn has not changed nor wavered on its prediction that John McCain will win this election.  Somebody in the McCain camp should really sit John down and tell him this.  McCain is starting to come off as man swallowed up in despair.

One of the notes I jotted down during the debate was that “McCain looks as desperate as Jerry Lewis in the last hour of the MDA telethon!”  It doesn’t matter which party you align yourself with, this statement is so freaking true.  I’m also glad it’s my line.  Please give me a heads-up if anybody steals it.

McCain’s night was merely one failed attack after another sandwiched between empty platitudes, my friends.  The attack lines were all rehashed from the first debate, but were doled out with a crankier delivery.  At any moment, I fully expected McCain to yell “Get off my lawn!”

We also saw a less “Mavericky” McCain.  I may have missed one during a potty break, but I don’t remember the word “maverick” being employed at all by McCain.  Instead, we were treated to “steady hand at the tiller.”  I’m sorry but this line only serves to remind us of how old McCain is.  The line also doesn’t work so well for a man who crashed 6 planes while in the Navy.  I’m just saying.

McCain mentioned hair transplants at some point.  For the record, Biden has hair transplants or some other treatment from the Hair Club of America.  It was a nice shot, but who cares?  I’m certain the skinhead running his campaign told him to get that dig in there.

I am really glad that McCain took the time to tell me and you that there is some rogue financial institution named “Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac”.  His insinuation that average Americans don’t know about Fannie and Freddie came off a bit elitist and condescending in my opinion.  I’d say a majority of folks knew of them before the current financial crisis and a huge number of folks know them now for sure.

By far, the most memorable moment for me came when McCain was pointing out that Obama had voted for a Bush/Cheney bill loaded with earmarks.  I may be paraphrasing but I think the quote was “Do you know who voted for that bill my friends, THAT ONE (points at Obama) not me.” 

So far in this campaign, I’ve stayed away from engaging in any discussion that would accuse Obama or McCain of playing the Race Card to their respective benefits.  Nonetheless, McCain’s word choice in that instance had my jaw hitting the floor.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m claiming that McCain is a racist, but the word choice was very poor.  I commented to Mrs. PolitiPornster that at that moment every African-American, Latino, Asian and Other voter started paying attention, BIG TIME.  How they judge THAT ONE, is simply up to them.

Ultimately, it wasn’t such a bad night for McCain.  He’ll still win the election and these debates will be forgotten.

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Please be warned that the following video is something like 14 minutes long.  It would be best watched during your lunch hour.


I know you’ll probably say we’ve all got a CRAZY ass preacher in our past, but how many of those crazy men of the cloth believed in witches?

Should McCain/Palin win, as predicted here on PolitiPorn, can we expect this guy to deliver the prayer before the oathes are administered?

Can we expect him to head the U.S. Commission on Witchcraft and Other Crazy Shit (USCWOCS)?  It’s going to be a very interesting time for us under these guys.  If you’re a woman, like to wear black, have a cat and live in any of the various town called “Salem”, I’d be very nervous right about now.

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