
Posts Tagged ‘prison’

The Anonymous AssHat

This week almost brought us an unknown AssHat.  An AssHat with no name.  A freaking Un-American, Anonymous, and downright cowardly AssHat.  However, authorities were able to put a name to the AssHat and that name is Marc Harold Ramsey.  Who the f— is he you ask? 

I couldn’t tell you who this damn AssHat is.  I don’t know if he is some American born jihadist or a crazed Libtard or RightWing Nut or even a Paultard.  All I know is that he is simply an AssHat.  Mr. Ramsey, you should not be allowed to share the same air as good and decent men like McCain and Obama.  Why did this newly unveiled AssHat get consideration for this award, well read on my little PolitiPornsters…

In case you didn’t hear, there was late breaking news yesterday in Denver.  The Denver campaign offices of John McCain received a threatening letter accompanied by an envelope containing a white powdery substance.  Here.  The letter was anonymous, but the envelope did have a return address, which by the way contained a name and an address listed as the Arapahoe County Detention Center.  Quick point here, wouldn’t you be a bit leery of opening a letter from a Jail that is sent to a presidential candidates campaign offices?  Or perhaps this is a regular occurrence at the McCain headquarters. 

Joking aside, let’s get this straight.  Threatening a candidate for public office, irrespective of party, is un-American and is a blatant attempt to usurp our cherished democracy.  You can hate Obama or McCain all you want BUT issuing real or perceived threats to them, their family or staffers is wrong.  Oh, and it’s against the law.

As all of my regular readers know, I’m a liberal and I support Barack Obama’s candidacy for president.  I’m will be voting for him in November and if I have my way, I may even vote twice!  (wink, wink).  Likewise, many of you know I don’t agree with McCain and I think he’d be a bad choice for president and a mere extension of the failed Bush regime.  


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