
Posts Tagged ‘Snoop Dogg’


Man, I love the interwebs!  Back some time ago, we here at PolitiPorn reported that the Falafel King Bill Orally’s wife, Maureen McPhilmy, had once dated the human cockroach Flavor Flav.  Here.  Of course, we emailed the O’Reilly folks to confirm but our email was likely overlooked.  OK, it was overlooked, why would Bill O the Clown or his folks respond to an email from little ole PolitiPornster?  I know I wouldn’t.  Our story got a few laughs, produced some traffic but didn’t really amount to much but a good chuckle. 

Recently, the rap world has decided to stand up to Bill.  In fact, the famous rapper NAS led a protest of the FOX headquarters recently to highlight what he and other protesters claim is a racial bias by the news network.  Bill as the rhetorical pugilist for Murdoch fought back and bad mouthed the hip-hop community. 

Now, the story of Mrs. Falafel and Flavor is everywhere.  Here


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