
Archive for the ‘Independant Kvetching’ Category

As if Dick Cheney could do anything else to make himself look bad, well he’s done it again.  Sometimes I think that Dick Cheney is sort of like a convict in prison serving a term of life without parole.  What does he got to lose?  If he kills somebody while in prison, what is the warden going to do; bump his sentence up to “Never-Ever?”

Cheney’s latest crime against decency comes at the expense of Disable American Veterans.  Yep, the man who refused his country’s call to service on 5 separate occasions has dissed the men who answered that call and paid dearly for it.  I imagine Cheney must look at these men and say to himself “there but for the grace of Daddy and draft deferments, go I.”  (more…)

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by Duke, PolitiPorn Int’l Bureau Chief


Sunday Talk Roundup – Are we having fun yet?


Dainty featured George Stephanopoulos hosted a pretty motley crew of guests in his two on two Hillary vs. Obama debate. The Clinton team featured class act Evan Bayh, the democratic senator from Indiana. You may recall that during the Iraq hearings a few weeks ago, when Ambassador Crocker blew the dust off the oft-referred to quote about Bin Laden focusing on Iraq, Bayh was the one who knocked two teeth out of Crocker’s mouth with…

“We shouldn’t be taking our marching orders from Osama Bin Laden”

The weaker side of the Clinton squad was the rarely-coherent Representative from Texas, Sheila Jackson-Lee. How big Sheila gets to Washington from North Mexico is a mystery, but she sure as hell doesn’t fly Continental Airlines after being banned from travel on the airline after berating flight attendants and staff.

Sticking up for Obama were two dubious figures in the form of Alabama Representative Artur Davis and former Senator Tom Daschle of South Dakota. Artur Davis has not only consistently misspelled his own name, but also voted in favor of correcting the constitution to include homophobia and won a hard fought re-election campaign in 2006 against absolutely no one. Daschle, a former majority and minority leader of the Senate, is believed to be a key advisor to the Obama campaign and endorsed FISA.


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“If I can’t have you, then nobody can!”  I’m willing to guess that the previous line has been the battle cry of many a murder/suicide.  It’s also become the battle cry of the Clinton campaign.  If Hillary can’t have the White House, then no Democrat can.  And her cohorts are doing a fine job assuring a victory for John McCain in November. 

But why this strategy?  Clinton must know that a McCain presidency will likely be just as ruinous as the last 8 years have been.  Why would she turn to this scorched earth policy?  PolitiPorn thinks that it knows the answer and the answer my friends.

Hillary is setting up her run for 2012, plain & simple.  She’s laying the groundwork for making McCain a one termer and destroying the political ambitions of her party & Barack Obama.  The clock is running and the Kamikaze Narcissism plan is nearing fruition.


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