
Posts Tagged ‘Bernanke’

by Lindsey “Shush” – PolitiPorn Religion Correspondent

My husband just called to let me know that his employer, a manufacturer, is moving from five eight hour days to four ten hour days a week so that their employees can conserve gas.  Oh, yes, everything is fine.  The economy will pick itself up and brush itself off at any moment.  Gross national profit is up!  People are going off of unemployment!  Everything will get better!  DON’T LOOK AT THE BLACK HOLE SUCKING YOU AND YOUR FAMILY INTO OBLIVION!  It’s fine!


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By Stewie, PolitiPorn Wash. DC Bureau Chief and Financial Markets Analyst 

I have a proposal for you.

Lend me $1,000. I’m headed to Vegas for a week and will be playing Blackjack. If I win or break even you will get your $1,000 back and I’ll keep the excess. If I lose then, oh well, sorry. I’ll even throw in 10 bucks of my own.

Does this sound like a good deal? What if I asked for $30 billion? (more…)

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