
Posts Tagged ‘China’


by Duke, PolitiPorn Int’l Bureau Chief


After this week’s testimony by Gen. Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker the folks at www.moveon.org are scrambling to come up with another hack bullshit nickname, but Gen. Petrue-dat seemed to have held his own while stretching the truth and omitting some harsh realities. Two points to be filed under fun fact were:

  • (1) According to Gen. Persuadeus rational people could not be against the war.
  • (2) While our economy is crumbling, the government of Iraq has a substantial surplus.

Senator McCain had a senior moment and actually predicted that that if we leave, Iraq would simultaneously become a haven for Al-Qaeda and a slave to Iran. (Read a book butt-munch, no Shi’a country will ever become a safe haven for Al-Qaeda.) I used to like this guy, but it is irresponsible to run for president without a basic understanding of Islamic terrorism ideology. He also repeated the popular warhawk cadence that we must choose withdrawal based on the “situation on the ground” rather than an artificial timetable. Guess what moron, the push for withdrawal is based on the situation on the ground. He still thinks that opposition to the war is just a flower-power fueled middle finger to Pres. Bush.  It must not occur to the opposition that we have 4,000+ dead soldiers, taxpayer funding of Sunni militants, treasonous mistreatment of veterans, and emotional torture of military families. (more…)

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by Duke, PolitiPorn Int’l. Bureau Chief


Things in Iraq are about to go into the Moqtada al-Shitter. As of this writing a battle in the Iraqi city of Basra between the Mehdi Army and Iraqi security forces have killed at least 50 and wounded 150. Surely this couldn’t be the same Basra the UK got bored with. Interestingly enough it was the Iraqi Security Forces that threw the first punch by launching “Operation Charge of the Knights,” aimed at restoring law and order in the volatile economic hub. I don’t know about you kids, but Law and Order: Charge of the Knights would be worth an hour of my time.

This dust up has major implications for the overall stability of Iraq. We could start with the heavy shelling of the green zone that has ensued. After four years the insurgents still haven’t exactly mastered the concept of trajectory, but yesterday a mortar unfortunately made it 4,001.


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